to Digital Wellness

Google Slides

Ideal for Google classroom and Chrome users who would like to give each student a copy of the presentation for the most interactive experience.

Intentionally Unplugged Digital Wellness - Google Slides


Great to be used as handouts to be printed in packets for students, or for use with KAMI, to make it an interactive experience.

Intentionally Unplugged Digital Wellness PDF


Ideal for presenting to students, alongside a hard copy handout. Or, students can follow along on their own computers to fill in on their PowerPoint presentation, if teacher provides a copy to each.

Intentionally Unplugged Digital Wellness PowerPoint

Teacher’s Guide

Our teacher’s guide includes detailed outlines of the course and each of the 3 sections, as well as a PRE/POST survey for assessing student growth and understanding.

If needed, national standards for health and FACS education have been provided— as well as a letter to administrators is also provided for justifying use of the course.

Teacher’s Guide PDF

Administrator Request Form .doc