Intentionally Unplugged’s children’s books are a great resource for sparking conversation between parents and kids on the importance of human connection.


Please, look up at me

Kate loves to look at her tablet..Mama feels concerned..

Every place they go, Kate seems to be looking down at her screen. Even at school, Kate uses a device. At first, Kate feels that Mama is overreacting. But, after some personal reflection and deeper thinking, Kate connects the dots and finds understanding in Mama's plea.

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Denise Roland’s debut children’s book is a A Mom's Choice Award Recipient and a must read for all parents and kids struggling to find balance in the era of screen time.




Kurt loves to visit Papa’s farm! There’s just something different about being there, but he can’t quite put his finger on it. Spend a weekend unplugged with Kurt, his family, and Papa on the farm to discover to secret of Papa’s Gift.


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Exclusive Book Bundle offer. Just 24.99 for both our award winning children’s books!